Monday, June 9, 2008

Hey all. I just cut and pasted the following from Vaskor's Runescape Reader's Digest. (As I was doing this I chuckled to myself that I am doing the same thing the content thieves are doing). Please go and flag the following blog :

They are clearly ripping off content from decent fan sites, and really do deserve to be shut down.

Here is what Vaskor suggests:

"1. Mark this blog as "inappropriate". You will need an account on Blogspot in order to do it. If you don't have one, please, register - it's free. Plus you'll be able to post "non-anonymous" comments to all Blogspot blogs, including the Reader's Digest :-)
Here is where you mark the blog as "inappropriate":

2. Write a complain to the Blogspot team about that cheating blog. You can start from here.

3. If you are from Sal's, I'd like to ask you to send a note to Salmoneus notifying about the problem. As the content owner, Salmoneus (or someone else from the site management) can file a DMCA notice, starting from here.
That should have a lot of weight. I sent a note to Salmoneus, but I am afraid he might ignore it, as I am not that active on the forum there.

4. If you would like to join the action, let your blog readers know about it as well. Link to this post or copy the steps.

And let's see if it works out. Hopefully we can make an impact there."

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