Monday, May 26, 2008

A new record

Hey all. Sorry for the recent dearth of posts. I have been running like a mad man trying to get a few more investors on board for my next RL project. Today's post is just a quick one about a new farming personal record I got today. I didn't even think it was possible, but I got 16 toadflax from one patch this morning!

I wish I had been using snapdragons.


Starsaber said...

Nice. I think my best was 12 Ranarrs from one patch.

Turbo said...

So far the next best herb yield I have seen is 13 snapdragons. Got that twice now. I would have bet anything you couldn't get 16 from one seed.

Unknown said...

Yay. :P I've only ever had one patch of 16 before (or at least one that I noticed), and a few 15s and 14s. No higher than 16.

Now that I've got that My Arm's quest done I tend to ignore how many herbs I get per patch as I just want to get the run done quickly.. XD